Calumet is providing materials, services and installation of the Phase 1: 75th Street Sidewalk Project. Contractually, Calumet will be working on this project May 30th through July 31st. Crossroad Engineers will be providing bi-weekly summaries of work progress, a look ahead of what Calumet will be doing for the upcoming 2 weeks, and tracking work days and weather days throughout the project. Also, our July 11 Town Meeting will be providing a progress update.
June 9, 2022 Update:
For the upcoming 2 weeks, Calumet will be working on the following items: Manhole Structure, Hybrid Ditch installation, Nyloplast Structures, and Concrete Driveway installation on the North side. Again, the plan’s progress is dependent on weather conditions.
Thank you,
Colleen Field
Meridian Hills Town Councilor